I would simply like to make a comment to assist the committee in its work. We need to make a decision sometime in the next two meetings, but the committee's agenda has yet to be set. I was wondering if we could prepare some specific questions so that the government could advise us of its position.
I have nothing against hearing from witnesses and persons concerned, given that the situation is serious enough. However, details of the war in Iraq, which countries were involved and the broad implications of a political decision down the road are also serious considerations. I'm wondering if it would be possible to have questions, or legal opinions of sorts, that could be explained to us by representatives and officials.
Mr. Chairman, several different concepts have been floated, including that of an illegal, illegitimate war. A series of events occurred resulting in Canada's decision not to take part and in the United States deciding unilaterally to send troops to participate in the conflict. This is what I'm alluding to. There is also the issue of the presence of troops in Iraq. We know that approximately 168,000 American soldiers took part in the war in Iraq, along with troops from Great Britain, Poland, Australia and South Korea. If we are to develop a policy, we need to take into account all of the countries that were involved in the conflict in Iraq.