Thank you for welcoming us today. We've submitted a brief to the clerk. Unfortunately, it is not translated, but we suppose it will be. It consists of notes we're using to make our presentation.
The Association des aides familiales du Québec has been in existence for 32 years. Its vision is to advocate the rights of live-in caregivers through representation and cooperation activities in particular. Our objective today is to bring to your attention the problems of migrant live-in caregivers, that is temporary workers whose status is precarious. Some of them wind up without status and are abused by unregulated agencies, recruitment and placement agencies and unregistered employers who receive no penalties when they commit abuses.
There are three categories of live-in caregivers. Live-in caregivers who are not residents include citizens whose rights to date have been well protected. Migrant live-in caregivers without status are the most vulnerable. They are the ones we want to talk about today. These live-in caregivers are in Canada as part of the live-in caregiver program, the LCP.
That program, which was established in 2001 under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, has continually undergone changes. There have always been abuses since the end of World War II. Attempts were made to improve, to amend the program. In our opinion, it contravenes the conventions that Canada has signed, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Live-in caregivers, who are mostly women, come here and suffer abuse as a result of their legal status.
We have identified abuses upstream and downstream from the program. As regards the program's characteristics, we're talking about a temporary permit. Live-in caregivers must work 24 months over a 36-month period. Consequently, if they are dismissed, they may face a waiting period that can jeopardize their status. They have a work permit that names an employer and is restrictive, that is to say they are assigned to an employer and cannot change employers without first undergoing administrative formalities. They have an obligation to remain with the employer, which involves abuses, in particular.
Upstream from the program, there are delays in processing applications from family caregivers. This results in abuses by consultants, lawyers and numerous intermediaries who claim to be able to expedite their applications. To date, these agencies are not regulated. Furthermore, when the live-in caregivers arrive here, it may occur that they have no employer, that there is a fictitious employer.
Downstream, their status proves to be somewhat catastrophic when they do not have an employer. According to Citizenship Canada, 10% of them wind up without employers on arrival. There are also delays in obtaining new permits. Sometimes they must justify their dismissal. Evidence is based on their good faith and that of their employer. The placement agencies act as intermediaries to find them another employer and take money from them.
There are protective measures, in particular under the Act respecting labour standards, the Commission des droits de la personne, and so on. There are also criminal and immigration statutes, but they remain insufficient in our view. These measures are related to immigration law, labour law, social protection and fundamental rights. We think there must be regulation and that some of these acts must be amended.
In our view, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act must be amended first of all, so that it includes the occupation of live-in caregiver among the occupations in demand in Canada, and so that it takes into account the experience of these workers, which is not currently the case. This is all the more necessary since Canada will be dealing with an aging population in the coming years.
The integration of these live-in caregivers should be facilitated because, since they are attached to a single employer, they must deal with abuses when they do not find a new job.
We recommend the introduction of an open work permit, not attached to a single employer, but rather to a sector of activity for a limited period of time. We also recommend that these workers be granted permanent resident status, which would prevent situations in which they would become without status. Those who lose their work permits live in situations similar to slavery, in that, if they wind up with abusive employers, the latter confiscate their documents and abuse their vulnerability by not paying them. They are sometimes confined or shut themselves away because it is recommended that they not go out, or else they risk being deported. They can also suffer breakdowns in relationships with their families and live in social isolation.
With regard to labour rights and social protections, in spite of the labour standards in effect, that is to say a contract, compensation and leave, not all these elements are always present. We therefore recommend that live-in caregivers be entitled to occupational mobility and improved conditions. We therefore recommend that the obligation to reside at the employer's home be removed and that the government inspect—this is the fifth recommendation—housing conditions at the employer's home, where that is the case.
Based on our observations and findings in the field, we have seen that live-in caregivers are often afraid of losing their jobs, of filing complaints and so on. In spite of all the resources that may be put at their disposal, they are afraid. They also have no guarantees, where they file complaints, that their complaints will be heard.