We don't think this is going to solve it. The practical effect of having the refugee appeal division will be, I think, that most people who are refused at the refugee protection division will go to the RAD. They will go relatively automatically, and it's not going to cost them a lot of money.
I agree with Mr. St-Cyr when he says that the Federal Court is a bit expensive. The RAD is not. So virtually everybody is going to go to the RAD. That means that whether it's five months or four months or six months, it's going to take time. You need to look at their papers, you need to review things. So to a process that already takes 17 months, without going to the Federal Court, we're going to add five more months.
If, in the end, they are refused, the fact that they have been in this country for an additional five months will mean that their chances of getting a humanitarian and compassionate grant are increased, not because they're refugees, but because they have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, they have children, they've put down roots in Canada. There's nothing wrong with that, except that's not the way we're supposed to deal with refugees.
The longer people stay in Canada, the greater the chance that they're going to go around our system and acquire the capacity to stay in Canada, in practice disregarding our believe that we should treat refugees in a special way.