In the end, if we have a RAD, we're going to have to ask the government and then Parliament for more money. People who are now spending their time and effort on the first level of determination are now going to have to spend it on appeals to the RAD. We think it's simply just going to add a layer of bureaucracy. The RAD is not going to be a court, so the amount of deference given to it by the RPD will be relatively limited as compared to the Federal Court.
I have to be honest with Mr. St-Cyr: the RAD is not going to grind the entire system to a stop, but it is going to add time, money, and burden. In the end, we don't think that individual cases are going to be materially better dealt with, because it's a paper review, there are no attendants, and there is no new evidence. If you take it to the Federal Court, you have all of those possibilities.
Mr. St-Cyr has argued on a number of occasions that the Federal Court cannot review sur le fond, as he says. I'm not here to act as a lawyer, but before the courts you have questions of law, of fact, of mixed fact and law, and jurisdiction, and nothing else. If that's not sur le fond, I don't know what it is. The Federal Court has systematically said that it can look at any aspect of RPD decisions. I agree with Mr. St-Cyr that the way the law is constructed, it doesn't appear that it can do that, but this happens all the time. Parliament says one thing and the courts take a different tack, and since they're the ones doing the judgments, they win.