I just wanted to add something based on the recommendations.
I'm obviously with the United Steelworkers, and I work with the Independent Workers Association.
When we came together, we were very close to Juana Tejada. She was the first member of our organization, actually, when we set up last year. We did a lot of work trying to change the law on the second medical. I want to get rid of the second medical. I want to compliment the committee for putting that as a recommendation. And I'm assuming that all parties are in agreement with changing the law so that live-in caregivers don't have to go through a second medical.
We did make a bunch of submissions. I want to say something, and I'm going to pass it to Rafael Fabregas after me, who was Juana's lawyer and has been working on many of the immigration issues here.
It is interesting that we need more regulatory protection for live-in caregivers. We need a situation where they're treated properly. At the same time, the one thing that wasn't dealt with in the report, and I want to bring it up, because it's not about individual employers, is the fact that live-in caregivers come in as temporary residents. As a result of that, they will always be vulnerable.
Even if you bring regulatory controls, even if you put in 1-800 numbers, even if you have laws that sound good on the books, when you're in a temporary situation and you are by yourself, and you're basically in what you would say is an indentured situation because you're living with your employers, you depend completely on them, whether those employers are being fair to you or not. To take a chance to complain, when you're in another country, in a different situation, and would maybe lose your right to stay in this country or lose your job, whatever.... You're continuously exposed.
At the end of the day, we believe strongly that we have to get back to landed status for live-in caregivers. If they had landed status, you wouldn't need all these other laws to protect their rights. Unfortunately, the temporary migrant worker program is a form of indentured labour. We got rid of indentured labour over a hundred years ago, and now we're back at it.
I haven't seen movement on that. It wasn't dealt with as a recommendation. As far as I know, only the NDP report agreed to that. I might be wrong about that. No, I'm not wrong. It was the only report I saw that agreed to that position. I would ask the other parties to take a look at that, because I think, at the end of the day, that eliminates abuse.