Well, I've addressed the issue of foreign credential recognition, on which we are making progress, but I want to be clear. There is no silver bullet on that. We're not going to magically resolve the problem, and everyone who is waiting for an answer now is not going to get one tomorrow, nor can we now or will we ever be able to guarantee a yes answer for everyone who comes in. We want to make sure that doctors who are licensed are properly trained, that the engineers building bridges know what they're doing. So we cannot guarantee 100% success for newcomers.
In fact I've asked my ministry to make sure that applicants for our federal skilled worker program know that there is no guarantee that they will get a fast or positive decision on their credential recognition application. I'm told that our visa officers often find that when they tell people this, the response is they'd like to take their chances anyway. They understand that there's no guarantee and it might take time, but they'd still like to come to Canada and make an effort.
In terms of the refugee asylum system, as I've mentioned, it's our intention to come forward with improvements to the system that will make it more balanced, to provide much faster protection for real victims of persecution and people facing risk in their countries of origin, while at the same time removing the incentive for the fairly widespread abuse that we have seen. In the past two years we've seen a 60% increase in the number of asylum claims made in Canada. Most other western democracies have seen no increase or a reduction in the number of asylum applications. The 58% rejection rate at the IRB, the acceptance rate of which, by the way, is about twice as high as that of Britain or France, indicates to me that there is a fairly significant degree of abuse.
I know people criticize me for saying this, but I'm going to tell the truth, which is that there are de facto immigrants who come to Canada through the back door of the asylum system, and we need to indicate to those people that doing so is wrong. That is violating our laws and our generosity as a country, and it is my intention to address that issue in the near future.