We have to be careful when it comes to Quebec's work. Unlike other provinces that have their own administrative agreement programs with the federal government, Quebec has its own immigration department, immigration offices outside Canada and specialized counsellors. Their level of expertise may be higher, which means that due diligence is higher than in the other provinces. We think that given the volume of applications that Quebec generates in a year and the work done upstream, a 12-month target can in fact be met.
At present, waiting times are 17 to 20 months after the CSQ is issued. So if the client has already waited 8 or 10 or 12 months before being selected by Quebec, you have to add that time to the total waiting time. That must not be concealed, the end result is a permanent resident visa, not a Quebec residence visa.
You also have to understand that Quebec has ambitions in the Immigrant Investor Program, and there will be more, to support our SMEs. The business model works very well in Quebec. Our businesses want more. This enables businesses to grow and hire staff. The skilled workers who enter Quebec need jobs, and those jobs are created by businesses. The program is thus a financial structure that enables the businesses that benefit from it to grow, to create jobs and to keep their workforce in Quebec.