But the Habs are the Canadians. I hope to think I speak for all of Canada now.
On a more serious note, I'm going to tell you what the Canadian Bar Association likes and does not like about Bill C-11. We support the principles of fast and fair. We think that streamlining the process is very important. We also think that an appeal on the merits is essential for fairness. The CBA has been on record about this issue for many years, advocating that section 110 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act be implemented. We congratulate the government on putting this in the bill.
We are also very pleased to see that there will be more resources for the refugee determination process. However, we also have serious concerns about sacrificing fairness. We do not think that you need to sacrifice fairness to have fast decisions and fast removals.
To begin with, the designated list unnecessarily politicizes the process. As Ms. Valiani said before, it has very serious consequences, in that people who are deemed to be on this designated so-called safe list would be denied this very important, very crucial appeal on the merits for life-and-death decisions.
We also, in our submissions, make suggestions to mitigate the damage this would cause. If this committee and Parliament absolutely insist on this process that we disagree with, in the alternative we think at the very least the committee that selects designated countries must be composed of human rights experts, and the criteria for establishing whether or not a country should be on that list must be completely based on human rights and state protection criteria, nothing else.
Just as we are against politicizing access to the refugee appeal division, we also oppose politicizing appointments. As you know, the Canadian Bar Association, with many other groups, has strongly opposed anything that deviates from appointments based on the merits. We think that the appointment process is still unnecessarily political right now, especially the reappointment process to the Immigration and Refugee Board.
At the very least, we think that the refugee protection division should be allowed to select the best possible candidates out there. And that means opening it up beyond the civil service. We have no problem with members being selected who are civil servants. There are many excellent members of the immigration division right now who come from the civil service, but we also should allow others who qualify to contribute their skills.
We are also very concerned about a part of this bill that I don't think has received any attention. Quite frankly it's even hard for immigration lawyers, or for anyone, to figure this out. We have struggled with understanding it. In our opinion, the bill provides for a very unbalanced, unfair, and unexplained stage implementation.
There are parts of the bill that could go into effect in up to two years after proclamation, and other parts of the bill that could be implemented immediately. We're very concerned that this could mean that the bar on applications on humanitarian grounds and pre-removal risk assessments could be implemented immediately, whereas the implementation of the long-delayed refugee appeal division could have to wait for up to two years. This would create a serious injustice for the people who are affected by this.
Like many others, we're also concerned about the delays that are not part of Bill C-11. The government has announced, as Ms. Valiani stated, that there would be an initial interview in eight days and a hearing that would be immediately scheduled 60 days later. As we said before, we are extremely concerned about the slowness of the existing process. Refugees need to have certainty. They need to have a fast decision.
Many of them are waiting to be able to bring their family members, their children, over to Canada. So of course we agree with speeding up the process. But we think that some minor adjustments can be made, such as 28 days for the initial interview and four months for the hearing. It's not a big change from what's currently being proposed, but we think it will help refugees who are very vulnerable and it will help people to be more likely to engage competent counsel.
Finally, we are concerned about the bar on temporary residence permits and also humanitarian and compassionate applications. On this last point, I'm going to talk a little about the bar on H and Cs, humanitarian grounds applications.
The humanitarian grounds applications are there for a good reason. When we argue before the United Nations whenever there's criticism of certain aspects of the system, or when there's concern about how to protect the best interests of children, for example, reference is always made by the government—the Liberal government, the Conservative government—that we have this process. It's called humanitarian grounds applications. It catches situations that fall through the cracks. It prevents injustices.
What's particularly noteworthy here is that humanitarian grounds applications do not stop removals. Unlike pre-removal risk assessments, there is no administrative bar on removals once a humanitarian grounds application is filed. On the other hand, their removal of H and Cs for refugee claimants will lead to human rights violations. I'd like to give you one example from my own law practice. There are many examples I could give, but in the interest of time I'd just like to mention a situation that's one of many.
I had these clients who were a lovely African family. There were two children and their mother and dad. The board member from the refugee protection division recognized their claim, recognized that they feared persecution and that they had gone through atrocious past persecution because of their political opinion. They were members of the opposition party. However, based on a technicality, the member refused the parents. Why? Because they had a double nationality. They were also citizens of another African country. But the children were only citizens of one country. So the member accepted the children. They were recognized as refugees, but the parents were denied.
Under what's being proposed in Bill C-11, the parents could very well be removed back to the country, while the children--and these were minor children--remained in Canada. Fortunately, they had the right to make an H and C application. They did, they were accepted, and I'm happy to say that the entire family is here together in Canada.
I can also think of many situations of women--and their children--who are victims of domestic violence by their husbands here in Canada. This has nothing to do with the Geneva Convention on refugees. It doesn't meet the refugee test, but these people are in a very vulnerable situation, and H and Cs are the only way to give them protection.