Good afternoon.
The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, OCASI, thanks you for this opportunity to speak to you on this very important bill. I will unfortunately not be able to share with you in detail all of our concerns with the bill in the time that I have been given, pretty much like the other witnesses. I will therefore focus on some of the areas that are of greatest concern to our member agencies. We will be sending you a written submission on this shortly.
Bill C-11 is an important piece of legislation that would significantly change Canada's refugee protection system and have a profound effect on refugees. It deserves careful study and thoughtful consideration by this committee. Canadians deserve the time to be heard on this very important issue. One of our biggest concerns is the speed at which this bill is being pushed through the parliamentary process, and even through the committee process.
One of the things that refugees and immigrants arriving in Canada learn very quickly is the extent to which Canadian residents are allowed, and even encouraged, to have a say in the decision-making process of various levels of government. One of the things many have said they appreciate is being able to appear before a committee such as this, and many have appeared before you over the years to share their experience and have a voice in the discussion on important laws that would affect them and would affect future residents of Canada. We call this “civic engagement”, and it's something that we and all levels of government have actively promoted.
The process for Bill C-11 unfortunately is going to be one where there is little or no consultation and where there is little or no opportunity for those actually working with refugees to have a say.
OCASI is the umbrella organization for immigrant- and refugee-serving agencies in Ontario. Our member agencies include those that work with refugees who have experienced torture, that work with those from Mexico, Hungary, and other countries who arrive here seeking Canada's protection and file a refugee claim. They include organizations such as the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture, recognized worldwide for their work with torture survivors; organizations such as the Roma Community Centre, which has worked for years with Roma refugees from Hungary and other countries; and organizations such as the FCJ Refugee Centre and many others that work with those who arrive from Mexico and other countries, seeking protection in Canada.
Our member organizations are working on the front lines with those who would be profoundly affected by the changes proposed in this bill. They can tell you first-hand how those changes would affect their clients. Unlike other opportunities, when important changes to Canada's immigration and refugee protection laws are before you for consideration, they will not have the opportunity to appear before you to share their experience.
On behalf of these member agencies and others, OCASI would like to tell you that it's not too late to take the time to hear from these organizations and others that work with refugees who would be deeply affected. As the standing committee, you're one of the critical components of our parliamentary system, intended to give community organizations and ordinary people a chance to be heard on very important concerns in a way that is fair and transparent.
In regard to the bill, we welcome the minister's stated intent to introduce a reform that is fast and fair. We welcome the creation, at last, of a refugee appeal division. We welcome the spirit in which it is introduced, the recognition that refugees, too, deserve a fair appeal process. The possibility of introducing new evidence is made available with what's proposed in this bill. Unfortunately, the appeal would not be available to all claimants from those countries designated by the minister as safe countries.
The Canadian Council for Refugees and Amnesty International have shared with you some of their concerns with regard to the proposed safe country list, and OCASI echoes those concerns.
We are particularly concerned about the potential impact on those who are seeking protection because of persecution on the basis of gender or sexual orientation, and who may be from other countries that are potentially deemed safe by the minister but who are still genuinely at risk. We are concerned that this process would become highly politicized and would then have an impact on refugees, with possibly tragic consequences.
We welcome the minister's proposal to speed up the process for those waiting to have their claims resolved. That's a good thing. Our member agencies can speak to the effect on individuals having to wait for years to have their claims resolved, and the impact of that wait. Therefore, we agree that it is a good idea to speed up the process, but our concern is that fairness could be sacrificed for speed.
Many claimants come from a system or a background where they may be unfamiliar with our refugee hearing process. They may be in circumstances where they are still terrified, in shock, likely not ready to share with a complete stranger the details of why they need protection. Many may not be able to recall the details, may not be able to put what happened to them together in a coherent way.
The point is that each circumstance would be unique and would deserve full and fair consideration of the merits, and we fear that the fast process would not allow that to happen.
Perhaps there may be some claimants who would be ready for an initial hearing within eight days, but there would definitely be some who wouldn't. Are we going to bring a bill, a one-size-fits-all system, when lives are at stake? Would it not be better to err on the side of fairness so that each person seeking protection has a fair chance to tell her story or his story?
Our second concern with this is that the decision-maker at the first hearing would be a civil servant rather than someone appointed by cabinet. The problem is that civil servants would lack the independence that is required.
Assigning the refugee determination to civil servants is fundamentally problematic because they don't have independence, but limiting the appointments to civil servants would also exclude some of the most highly qualified potential decision-makers from a different range of backgrounds who would be able to bring their perspectives to the decision-making process, and this would affect the quality of decisions.
This is something that we have drawn from the materials prepared by the Canadian Council for Refugees, of which OCASI is also a member. There is much more that we could say, but again, the limitation is time.
Unfortunately, Bill C-11will do nothing to address the current delays and backlog that's already in the system, presumably the reason it's being introduced. It will only deal with the claims filed in the future. Therefore, while we welcome the minister's proposal to address some of these major concerns, we would like to suggest that the problem with the current system is that it's starved of resources. So we welcome the minister's suggestion that he bring more resources to the new system that is proposed to make it work better. What we would like to know is why would you not do the same for the system that is currently in process?
We ask you as a committee to consider investing those resources in the current system while you take the time to study what is proposed with Bill C-11, to give refugees a fair chance.