Thank you, sir.
I'll go straight into my presentation, which I'd like to give in the interests of time.
Chairman Tilson, honourable committee members, ladies and gentlemen, the UNHCR appreciates the opportunity to provide comments relating to Bill C-11.
The Canadian refugee status determination procedure is one of the very few that the UNHCR holds up as an example to other countries. The necessity to provide fair and efficient refugee status determination procedures for refugee claimants stems from the right to seek and enjoy asylum as guaranteed under article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the responsibilities derived from the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 protocol, from international and regional human rights instruments, as well as relevant executive committee conclusions.
As underscored by the UN General Assembly and the UNHCR's executive committee, in which Canada plays a significant role, physical access of asylum seekers to the territory of the state where they are seeking admission as refugees and access to procedures where the validity of their refugee claims can be assessed are essential pre-conditions of international refugee protection.
I would like to briefly review the various proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Regarding time limits, the bill provides for expedited timeframes, including the referral of a refugee claimant to an interview with an Immigration and Refugee Board official. While not specified in the bill, we are informed that the planned change is intended to include a data-gathering period of eight days, which replaces the personal information form process, schedule a hearing date, and complete first instance refugee status determination before a civil servant within 60 days.
The UNHCR advocates for fair and efficient refugee status determination procedures, including timely processing of asylum claims. Rapid processing should not, however, compromise fairness. It is important that a substantive written report be made of every personal interview, containing essential information regarding the application as presented by the asylum seeker. Based on the best state practice, the asylum seeker should have access to the report and whose approval is sought regarding the contents. Procedural guarantees for applicants, including access to information about the procedure and the assistance of interpreters, should be a right. Time limits should not unduly impact on asylum seekers' right to counsel and ability to collect and review information prior to hearings. Excessively short and tight deadlines can impinge on fairness. Best state practice ensures that the reasons for not granting refugee status are in fact and in law stated in the decision. This should be shared with the applicant to allow time to decide whether to appeal, including time to prepare and lodge an appeal.
In the UNHCR's view, it is important that decisions are properly substantiated so that the applicant can appeal meaningfully from a negative decision.
Regarding the use of Governor-in-Council appointees in first instance decision-making, refugee status determination undertaken by independent decision-makers is fundamental to the fair assessment of asylum claims. This should be carried out by staff with specialized skills and knowledge of refugee and asylum matters, who are familiar with the use of interpreters and appropriate cross-cultural interviewing techniques. Wherever possible this should be undertaken by a single central authority. The central refugee authority should also include decision-makers with training in the treatment of applications by individuals with differentiated needs, including women, children, applicants who are victims of sexual abuse, torture, or other traumatizing events, or individuals with mental or physical impairments that may negatively impact their ability to articulate a claim for asylum.
Regarding the implementation of the refugee appeal division, the UNHCR warmly welcomes the implementation of the refugee appeal division. In most countries that institute individualized refugee status determination procedures, claimants have the right to an appeal before an independent and impartial tribunal or body. This supports the right to an effective remedy in law. Such an appeal instance should have the jurisdiction to review questions both of fact and of law.
UNHCR recommends that the refugee appeal division should be available to all claimants, including those from “designated” or “safe” countries of origin. Instituting such an appeal mechanism will enhance Canada as a model. At the core of the refugee convention lies the principle of non-refoulement, whereby those with protection needs cannot be returned to a place where they will be at risk of human rights violations, persecution, or even loss of lives. The purpose of an appeals mechanism is to ensure that errors of fact or law in the first-instance decision-making can be corrected.
With regard to designated countries, the so-called “safe country of origin” list, UNHCR does not oppose the introduction of a “designated” or “safe country or origin” list as long as this is used as a procedural tool to prioritize or accelerate examination of applications in carefully circumscribed situations, and not as an absolute bar.
The safe country of origin concept is a presumption that certain countries can be designated as generally safe for their nationals insofar as it can be shown that there is generally and consistently no persecution, no torture, no inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and no threat by reason of indiscriminate violence in situations of international or internal armed conflict.
In such situations, it is critical that each application involves a personal interview and is examined fully and individually on its merits in accordance with certain procedural safeguards; each applicant is given an effective opportunity to rebut the presumption of safety of the country of origin in his or her individual circumstances; and the burden of proof on the applicant is not increased, and applicants have the right to an effective remedy in case of a negative decision.
If the safe country of origin concept is employed, there must be clear and objective benchmarks for the assessment of general safety and mechanisms, including review of changes, both gradual and sudden, in any given country.
Separated and unaccompanied children require special procedural safeguards, including the application of the principle of “the best interests of the child”, in accordance with the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child.
It may be that despite general conditions of safety, for some groups or relating to some forms of persecution, the country may remain unsafe. It is UNHCR's view that legislation should assure greater access to assessment mechanisms for those with heightened risk profiles.
A country cannot be considered safe if it is so only for part of its geographic territory. UNHCR emphasizes that the designation of a safe part of a country does not necessarily represent a relevant or reasonable internal flight alternative.
With regard to removal and to the one-year bar on access to PRRA and humanitarian and compassionate review subsequent to a negative final determination by the IRB, UNHCR guidance is that an asylum seeker should have access to a first instance decision, followed by an appeal in case of a negative decision. As good practice, there should be a mechanism for addressing protection gaps that may arise subsequent to IRB decision-making whereby individuals in need of and deserving of recognition as refugees, who are nonetheless not recognized through regular processing, can be protected.
UNHCR also notes that effective return policies and practices are essential to maintain the integrity of the refugee status determination procedures and asylum space and that it is appropriate for states to remove persons not to be in need of protection where they have had access to full and fair procedures.
With regard to assisted voluntary return, UNHCR supports the proposed assisted voluntary return program. UNHCR considers that sensitive counselling at all stages of the asylum process is necessary, including for those subject to removal procedures.
Chairman Tilson, honourable committee members, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you.