Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
First of all, let me thank the standing committee for this opportunity to share some thoughts on refugee determination and the bill that is now before you. It is my hope that what I have to say will be of help to you.
When discussing immigration and refugees, we often hear about the need for balance. In the case of refugee determination, a balanced system is one that protects claimants who need refugee protection and denies the benefits associated with refugee claims to those who don't need protection. The challenge starts with the fact that claimants properly remain in the country until their claim is settled.
A fair refugee system is one that gives time to prepare and make the claim, time to decide the claim, and time to review the decision. This can be a most time-consuming process, an unintended consequence of which is its appeal to those looking not for refugee protection but to remain and work. By making claims and by using all review mechanisms available to them, they can stay for long periods before the refusal becomes final and removal can take place. Because a refugee claim and removal can take years, we then hear that it is inhumane to remove people who have been in Canada for many years and have settled in well, an argument not without merit.
That the refugee determination system has resulted in what are called "mixed flows" cannot be disputed. Refugee claimants first started to arrive in industrialized countries in large numbers in the middle to late 1980s. Now more than 10 million have arrived. The approval rate is in the area of 25%, compared to about 40% in Canada, but the "stay rate"—that is, claimants who for whatever reason end up staying—is around 90%. This is because most countries have even less success than Canada in removing unsuccessful refugee claimants.
These numbers tell us that, one, persons making refugee claims are more motivated by factors not mentioned in the convention refugee definition than by the need for refugee protection, and two, making refugee claims makes sense as the chances of being able to remain are good—if not permanently, then for lengthy periods—regardless of whether there is a need for refugee protection.
In this regard, a study by a University of London professor is illustrative. He interviewed refugee claimants who told him that a one-year stay made making a claim worthwhile. Making a claim is about choosing a better life for themselves and their families. That they do this should surprise no one, but it is not what governments, whether they are pro- or anti-immigration, intended when they signed the Geneva Convention.
For states, border control is an expression of sovereignty. International law makes this clear. In signing the Geneva Convention, states agreed to set aside issues of sovereignty in the case of refugees. The numbers indicate that they have also given up sovereignty over non-refugees who are in the refugee determination flows.
So when governments deal with refugee determination flows, they look for ways to respond to the non-refugee component, but unlike the case of illegal immigrants, they do so within a framework of their obligation to protect refugees. Governments have been doing this now for 25 years.
These changes vary greatly, from constitutional change in Germany, to visitor visas, to more resources, to procedures targeted at non-refugees, to far greater efforts at removing failed refugee claimants. Each change has resulted in criticism from NGOs and other advocates that refugee protection would be diminished as a result. It is my conclusion that without these changes the refugee system would have collapsed.
The fact that refugee determination systems remain intact, even if an ideal balance remains elusive, indicates that the balancing act has had success. One aspect demonstrating this is the increase in approval rates resulting from proportionately fewer non-refugees than refugees who are coming to our countries, as refugees continue to find that the effort of getting to our countries is worth the effort. And I readily acknowledge that it is an effort.
A sound determination system needs to function in an integrated manner. Resources, which are decision-makers and their support, procedures and volumes must be in balance. Decision-makers need to have the skill and knowledge to make good decisions and they need to be sufficient in number to keep the processing current. Procedures have to be fair so that decisions are sound. At the same time, they have to be efficient to discourage non-refugees. Finally, the volume of refugees must be what the resources can handle. Sudden and unexpected volumes of refugee claimants are more likely to end up being handled through special measures, such as temporary protection and amnesties, than by more decision-makers.
The measures aimed at volume are varied. The most obvious are the imposition of visas, more secure travel documents, interceptions, and safe-third-country and country-of-origin provisions. Procedures aimed at non-refugees are intended to make it unattractive for them to apply. A problem with resources, aside from cost, is that they almost always take a long time to put in place in response to sudden increases in the number of claimants. The result is of course longer processing times.
When I look at the changes the government is proposing, I see a balance. The system will be fairer as a result of the appeal on law and merit.
As an aside, it will be interesting to see what the impact of the appeal will be on processing times and on approval rates. It's worth pointing out that even without an appeal system at the present time, Canada has a considerably higher approval rate on average than all other countries that have an appeal system.
If it is introduced for persons from safe countries of origin, the status quo will really remain unchanged from what we have today. They will still be ineligible for the new appeal system, but they will continue to have access to the Federal Court.
The one-year limit makes sense because it denies the opportunity to prolong the process in cases where the issue has already been dealt with. More removals are essential because they confirm the message that this is the outcome of a negative decision.
In conclusion, I think the changes are well balanced, but as for any system of this type, it will not take much to upset the balance.
Thank you.