There are a number of reasons why it may be difficult to describe these experiences of abuse. You were asking how much time it could take, and it's very random.
Yesterday I had a meeting with representatives of the Mouvement contre le viol et l'inceste, and they said that, taking into account all the meeting time frames, it took at least three interviews, and that's in the case of a woman who meets another woman in an organization specialized in specific sexual violence cases. So if you consider the matter in a broader context regarding other issues, as I do, and I work in community health, it can take more than a month, even six months.
Sometimes the person won't reveal the situation because she has suffered incest at the hands of her father or because these people are very close or perhaps because they are linked to a political class in their country. Consequently, talking about sexual violence will also hurt the people who have stayed behind in their country.
It must be understood that this isn't about giving false testimony. It's about understanding that rape is unacceptable here, that it's criminal, that you can talk about it and that there are rights. It can take a little time for people to simply get that information into their cultural frame of reference, to think that it's possible that there might be justice in these matters. Then they can assert themselves and say they need this safety because, if they go back to their country, they will lose too much, it will be terrible and they will die. There are a lot of decisions to make, deadlines that must be met and ethical issues that must be considered.
So it's not about lying and circumventing the system, but rather about establishing your own cultural frame of reference and also fitting it to theirs.
Often, when a woman does not speak to us or look us in the eye, one may believe she is trying to conceal facts. However, it may be an offence for a woman to look a man directly in the eye, all the more so if it's to tell him what has happened to her. You have to be very sensitive to the various situations that people experience.
You're right. Some people who would like to slip through the system will take advantage of the situation, whereas others who are traumatized will be left out.