I am giving an example of the Republic of Turkey. Turkey wants to join the EU. It's part of the G-20, it wants to shape the world, it attempts to mediate between Israel and Syria, and it collaborates with Brazil to stop the world from confronting Iran for its ill-fated nuclear ambitions.
So the committee may consider Turkey a safe country. But this is a country where in the past quarter of a century almost all churches and temples of different faiths have been destroyed. Over 4,000 Kurdish villages have been destroyed. More than 17,000 extra-judicial killings have taken place. Over 2,500 politicians, elected representatives, mayors, and human rights activists have been jailed without due diligence. More than 400 Kurdish children have been killed by military police, one of them yesterday.
Approximately 3,000 Kurdish children ages 7 to 16 are currently in jail just because they have been in the demonstrations. So Turkey may be designated a safe country, but this standing does not make it safe. To consider it safe, this commission has to ignore reality and government must turn a blind eye to the facts.