As I indicated, and as also indicated by Mr. Goodman when he answered your question the last time, we did plan on using a hybrid process. There would be a process open to existing public servants, but another for the general population.
From a practical point of view, when we announce a position open to those outside of the public service, even only for 24 or 48 hours, we receive 1,000 to 1,500 applications, sometimes even more. Obviously, we couldn't advertise a decision-maker position at the Refugee Protection Division for just 24 hours.
So, if we have to run a competition open to those outside the public service exclusively, we would expect to get about 5,000 applications. We would have to find a way to whittle this number down. We can't run 5,000 interviews or administer 5,000 tests. Another aspect of this problem is that it would have a negative impact on existing staff because they would think that we don't have confidence in them.
We will maintain our staff's productivity as long as the current act is in force, in order to not go to the new system with a tremendous backlog.
The other problem—