Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Bonjour. Good afternoon. It's a great pleasure to be here, given the challenges we had in getting here.
The Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants welcomes this opportunity to appear before this committee on Bill C-35.
CSIC appreciates the action the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration is taking to shore up Canada's immigration system. We are particularly pleased that the government is taking action on ghost agents, the most important attribute of Bill C-35 and the key failing of the existing legislation. CSIC has actively advocated with government for several years to close the loophole that has allowed ghost agents to operate.
Under the immigration and refugee protection regulations, CSIC is designated as the body that regulates immigration consultants, who, for a fee, represent, advise, or consult with a person who is the subject of a proceeding or application before the minister, an officer, or the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
CSIC welcomes the introduction of this bill, but there are a few shortcomings that need to be addressed.
First and foremost, the duty of any regulatory body is the protection of consumers. CSIC's primary focus continues to be the protection of vulnerable immigrants coming to Canada, those who will eventually become productive citizens. Before CSIC, there was no one to protect consumers of immigration consulting services.
Since 2004, CSIC has shut out 800 agents because they could not meet CSIC`s rigorous standards. We have disciplined 225 consultants for misconduct. We currently have 400 open investigations of complaints and 13 matters before CSIC's independent hearings panel. Further, we regularly conduct multilingual national consumer awareness campaigns. CSIC has been doing its job to protect future Canadians and has been successfully carrying out our mandate of educating, accrediting, and regulating our members.
With this in mind, Bill C-35 is a good start, but more needs to be done.
The proposed provisions look to close the loophole that currently permits ghost agents to prey upon uninformed consumers. We fully support this provision. CSIC has always advocated penalties for those who illegitimately hold themselves out as being qualified to offer immigration services.
The Canada Border Services Agency and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have the mandate to investigate, prosecute, and ultimately bring to justice those individuals who look to thwart the immigration system. We are concerned that they will not have the resources to do so.
No funding provisions have been made to carry out the enforcement mandate, nor has any funding been earmarked for the prosecution of ghost agents. Without the proper funding and other resources, the hands of CBSA will be tied and ghost agents will continue to plague the immigration system.
Finally, CSIC embraces the provision in the bill that calls for the regulator to be more accountable to government.
CSIC has concerns about the powers that Bill C-35 gives to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. For the first time, under the new section 91, the minister alone will have the power to choose who will regulate immigration consultants. The proposed legislation will give her or him the power at any given time in history to change the regulator with a simple notice in the Canada Gazette. This creates the potential to unduly politicize the regulator, contrary to the public interest when the regulator must be seen as neutral.
The regulator's independence from the minister is of paramount importance. CSIC is concerned that under the proposed legislation, the minister will have too much power over the regulator and over those who are representing vulnerable immigrants. Our members must be free to provide the best advice to their clients without fear of ministerial influence threatening their ability to act independently as authorized representatives. Furthermore, CSIC objects to the fact that the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration will have more control over immigration consultants than the minister does over other authorized representatives, including lawyers.
CSIC supports the provision to allow the Governor in Council to specify what information the regulatory body should provide to government, but this information needs to be provided to a department other than Citizenship and Immigration. CSIC recommends that the information be provided to the Minister of Justice. This would ensure the independence of the regulator while remaining accountable to the government in the interests of consumer protection.
Canada's immigration system, its consultant regulator, and consumers of immigration consulting services deserve more stability than this bill currently offers.
I want to assure the honourable members of the committee and all Canadians that CSIC will continue to fulfill its mandate to protect consumers through accreditation, education, and discipline of our more than 1,800 members. CSIC is doing its job. Let's build upon experience and expertise.
Thank you very much.