One of the recurring complaints I've received from members of CSIC, who have approached me in different capacities, is a complete lack of transparency of the organization. There is a failure to hold public membership meetings. They attempt to hold them on the Internet or by teleconference, which has resulted in several failures because they don't get a quorum.
There is a lack of transparency in how money is spent and how much money is being paid to the board of directors. There are concerns about conflict of interest between the Migration Institute and CSIC, with both being directed by similar people. There are allegations by people that the discipline process is being used as a means of preventing people from running for the board of directors.
Those are all things I've heard about CSIC from people who I've been in contact with. Some of these matters are now in the course of being litigated in the courts. I'm involved in three cases, and in all three cases, the Federal Court judges who had to give leave found that there was a serious issue that warranted the court considering the judicial review. The cases are going to be scheduled some time in the next few months.