I would like to give my rationale for supporting this. This clarification is certainly not necessary, but I think it would be helpful. In my opinion, this prohibition has two parts to it. First of all, you have to give advice, and, second, you have to do it for consideration.
What happens if the person receiving the consideration is not the one providing the advice? Imagine a case where someone deals with a recruiter and pays that person. The recruiter could then go and hire a consultant. That would mean that the consultant would not necessarily be paid by the person receiving the advice. He would be, but only indirectly. He would be providing advice to a client for consideration, but that consideration would come from a third party.
Would a court of law consider that to be covered under the Act? Possibly, but I think it would be wise to state that going through a third person to provide indirect consideration is not what the framers of the legislation had in mind.