I would imagine, for example, if a consultant said, “I'll put in the application for you to sponsor your parents and your younger brother to come to Canada”, and then subsequently the consultant didn't, that would not be a serious offence. However, if you waited long enough, that brother could become an adult and he would never be able to be sponsored under the family class application. It may take years for the applicant to find out the application didn't even go in. By that time, five years could have passed, because sometimes the wait times for sponsoring a parent can take five years. They may not realize that.
Am I correct, though, that not putting in an application is not a serious offence? It actually has huge implications for the brother, or for the Canadian whose brother is never going to be able to come into Canada because he is over age. He is permanently separated because this consultant didn't put in the application, as he said he would. That's a small offence, but it would sometimes take more than five years for the applicant to know. That would be a summary.... It's not a huge offence. Am I correct on that?