Thank you. I get to bear the great news. I will do that. Thank you, Chair.
I want to ask a question around settlement and what happens when people arrive. One of the issues, of course—and perhaps it's a lot more in places like Montreal, but I'm certainly hearing about it in Ottawa—is about the support people get when they come here. One of the things that has worked very successfully is the nominee program, which I've witnessed and heard about in places like Manitoba. It's that connection to getting people to the next level in getting jobs and support for them.
Has there been something—you might have covered this already, and I apologize if you have—that is directed to the Haitians who have arrived to make sure they are going to be supported? I know there is the general program—I know all about that. I used to serve on a board here in Ottawa for immigrant settlement programs.
Is there something very specific for the Haitian community—the new arrivals—that is similar to the nominee program, following them through in terms of access to all of the services they need and beyond the usual one-year focus? Is there anything like that or that is being contemplated, similar to the nominee program, which is very connected, if you will?