Thank you.
If you're referring primarily to our reforms to our dysfunctional asylum system, our refugee system, I would underscore that Prime Minister Harper's government is deepening and broadening Canada's humanitarian tradition of protection for refugees. We are increasing by 20% the number of resettled refugees who we accept as part of our immigration plan.
We already receive one out of every ten resettled refugees worldwide. We have 0.05% of the world's population, but we receive 10% of the world's resettled refugees, and we're actually increasing that number. When our increase is fully implemented, we will be receiving more resettled UN convention refugees per capita than any other country in the world.
We are contributing more than we ever have to the good work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which helps people in a protracted situation of displacement from their country. I think we're now, if I'm not mistaken, the fourth-largest donor to the work of UNHCR.
We are increasing by 20% our support for the integration of government-assisted refugees through the refugee assistance program, and let me say here that I think MPs know that one of the least popular government programs is income support for resettled refugees. You know those angry e-mails we get from a lot of our senior citizens in our audience, which are based often on a myth? We're actually increasing that program by 20% because it's been frozen for a decade and we want to help those often high-needs resettled convention refugees when they get here.
With respect to the asylum system, as a result of our reforms, clearly bona fide refugees in need of our protection will no longer have to wait for up to two years to get a hearing and certainty on their status in Canada. They will get that in a couple of months.
So the proverbial refugee from Iran who steps off the plane with the scars of torture fresh on his back will no longer be told to check back with us in two years, but will have protection and certainty and a permanent future in Canada in a matter of weeks. Also, for that refugee who goes to the IRB and for whatever reason has his initial claim rejected at the first instance, he or she will now, for the first time, have a full fact-based appeal at the new refugee appeal division, creating a new process for additional procedural fairness, if you will, for the vast majority of failed asylum claimants.
So I can stand up on the world stage and say, with absolute honesty, that our government is deepening Canada's tradition of protection for refugees, both asylum claimants and convention refugees around the world.