Sir, we are not trying to scare Canadians. We are trying to protect Canadians.
On the Sun Sea security threats, there were approximately five, with one of them being a war criminal. On the Ocean Lady security threats were 19, with war crimes 17, and that's a total of 41. That's significant, because those people pose a threat.
I've served in a war zone, sir, in Bosnia. I've seen what these things look like close up, in a place like that, which has been destroyed by war. When somebody says we're being oppressive to anybody coming to this country.... I wore a Canadian maple leaf on my shoulder proudly for most of my life. I know the system we have in this country. We are proud of the system of governance. We have an obligation to protect the rights of our citizens, and this is one way we're doing it as well.
Immigration is very important, sir. My parents came from a war zone, after World War II. They were in gulags and in forced labour camps in Nazi Germany. I get all the things that refugees bring to this country. It's very important, and I've grown up with that in my household, my home, and our family stories. So I understand and am sympathetic to people coming here as refugees wanting and seeking a better life. This is a compassionate country. We do abide by all the international regulations and obligations we have, and we do make it very accommodating for people to get here.
However, when people do come here, they have to abide by our laws, and we have a right, sir, to ensure who they are before we let them out into the general populace, where they could potentially harm Canadian citizens. Until we know that, we'll detain them.
By the way, as soon as somebody's identity is known, they are released from detention. The problematic people are the ones who are possibly not cooperating and revealing their identity. Until we are absolutely sure who those individuals are, we will detain them. This is under review consistently.
Do you have any comment to that, sir?