Now we're getting a little bit out of my area of expertise, but I can sit here and say to you that one of the things we did is we brought immigration and customs, border patrol, and the United States Coast Guard together under the auspices of the Secretary of Homeland Security. One is so that we clearly recognized an agency that had law enforcement responsibility, because now we are talking about the law and taking legal action against people, and the ability to do that at sea, the coast guard, while maintaining our policies with respect to customs and border patrol security.
The bottom line is that we recognize that in the world we're facing today we have to take steps that bring together the establishment of policies and procedures to ensure that we are operating under the rule of law and that we afford all people the rights that go with human dignity and treat them fairly. If we have probable cause and then develop, through the course of investigation during the period of detention...or quarantine, as perhaps we called it in my country when we established Ellis Island over a hundred years ago.
Whatever you do to carry out those procedures, you want to make sure you give people the benefit of the doubt.