Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to approach this from a different perspective. The bill actually affects one and a half million people, permanent residents who call Canada home. This means that we should all be very much concerned about the content of the legislation itself. The government, in introducing it, listed its five reasons. Of course, they are those extreme cases.
I would like to mention a case that has been talked about and which I have had the opportunity to raise in the past.
Imagine, if you will, that you are a 19-year-old graduate living in Windsor, Vancouver, or Montreal, and you decide that you are going to go stateside to celebrate your graduation. The drinking age there is 21, so you use some false identification to get your bottle of wine or alcohol. In that situation, you would, in fact, be deported, and you would not have the right to appeal. One of the presenters put it quite well and provided a document. This is the reason you would ultimately lose the right to appeal. Using a false or fraudulent document is an offence under section 368 of the Criminal Code of Canada and carries a maximum potential penalty of 10 years. A 20-year-old permanent resident who is convicted of using fake identification to get into a bar while visiting the U.S. is inadmissible under IRPA because of a foreign conviction. It doesn't matter that the U.S. court punishment might be only a $200 fine.
The point is that this legislation is so encompassing of that 1.5 million permanent residents who live in Canada that a 20- or 19-year-old youth who happens to use poor judgment by using false identification is ultimately not going to have the right to appeal and is going to be deported. The rest of the family will stay here, but that person is going to be deported.
I'm wondering if you feel, when you think of that sort of an example, that maybe the government has gone a little overboard and that we need to improve the legislation before it leaves this committee. That would be a big for sure. Would you agree, Mr. Shore, Francisco, or whoever would like to respond?