Yes, absolutely. From our experience and our many meetings with women who have sought our help, we have learned that they are afraid to report their spouse or husband. They are afraid not just of their spouse, but also of their community, because of how it is viewed.
What's more, some women with bruises did not want to report the abuse. Others still don't understand that abuse is more than just physical, that it can be psychological as well. When they describe what is happening to them and professionals tell them they are experiencing psychological violence or abuse, they ask what that means.
During my presentation, I said it was important to keep these situations from happening, and not to wait until it's too late. These women should be advised of the rights they have here, in Canada, our values and the fact that men and women are equal here. They should be informed of all that even before they get to Canada.
Basically, as I was saying earlier, information sessions should be available to these women to explain what sponsorship is, how it works and what it requires of them and their husbands. Keep in mind that many husbands and spouses take advantage of the sponsorship dynamic.