Mr. Waldman, I want to talk a little bit about the process of exceptions in this conditional residence requirement. I'm sure you also know and you actually said that you understand the reasoning behind the conditional visa. I'm going to read you a list of acceptable evidence in cases of abuse or neglect. It is not exhaustive, I should note, but it provides a good picture of the threshold used to determine abuse or neglect by a sponsor.
Let me start with evidence of abuse or neglect, or that the sponsor failed to protect from abuse or neglect: court documents of protective orders, including release, no contact, or bail orders; orders pending trial or appeal; recognized orders or peace bonds; probation orders following conviction; conviction certificates; victim impact statements, and of course it must clearly state that abuse occurred or is believed to have occurred; letters or statements from women's shelters or domestic abuse support organizations; letters or statements from family services clinics; letters or statements or reports from a medical doctor or a health care professional; sworn statement affidavits; police incident reports or related documents; reports indicating that passport and travel documents were withheld and the police had to help to retrieve them; photos that show the victim with injuries; voice mail or hard copies of emails; affidavits from a friend, family member or neighbour, co-worker, staff member, supportive agency, or law enforcement, etc.
Given the wide range of options available to use the exception, it is my opinion, with all due respect, Mr. Waldman, that this does not constitute an exceptionally high threshold of proof.