The council is very much aware. I talked about our research study, “Making Ontario Home”, which clearly stated, and we heard from immigrants themselves, that the key issue for them is employment and economic integration. All of our member agencies are autonomous. They're stand-alone organizations. OCASI uses moral suasion more than anything else in terms of the kind of work they do. Our role is really to work in an attempt to influence government so that government is backing the kinds of innovative thinking and programming that agencies are developing to meet the employment support needs of those who show up in the agencies.
We talk about social integration all the time. I think we have to remember that 30 to 35 years ago, when we first formally introduced a program called settlement and integration in Canada, it really was about social integration. It was about how we make communities welcoming spaces. It was about how we work with immigrants to build some social capital so that they're able to participate fully in the community. Only recently have we begun to think of immigration and settlement funding as an economic tool.
It really is around taking a look at the kinds of programming we would need to be “privileging”, for lack of a better word, in terms of refocusing what the sector is paying attention to. In Ontario, for example, about 10 years ago we thought that if economic integration were going to be important, then we needed to look at new structures. There was the creation of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council, which was then scaled up across the country. We wanted to take a look at the fact that while labour market and education are under provincial jurisdiction, the federal government is responsible for immigration settlement.
Integration also had a role to play in that, hence the creation of bridging programs. Basically, that's the federal government transferring dollars to the provinces so that they're able to support some of the bridging programs. The research bears out the fact that mentorship, paid internships, all are benefiting immigrants and refugees.