No, as I said, Europe had a problem with Mediterranean crossings, from 2004 to 2006. Then it basically disappeared for a number of years because European countries made policy choices that shifted that movement from irregular to regular channels. Then it re-emerged in 2011 and thereabouts, during the Arab Spring years, because the agreements with the sending countries had fallen apart. Then it diminished again, only to reappear as a spike in 2015-16.
It has now fallen to regular levels and hopefully will fall to negligible levels again. Refugee crises are periodic. They are not constant. There's not a constant supply. We had big refugee crises in the 1980s caused by the Lebanon war, and in the 1990s by the wars in the former Yugoslavia and Somalia. We have them now, caused by the Syrian war. There are fewer countries at war right now than at any other time in human history. There are fewer drivers of asylum seekers. So we have a problem right now.