In terms of the overall need, Canada, as was noted, is in a situation where we have a labour and skills shortage. We're in a situation where in some provinces, and particularly in the Atlantic provinces, there are more people dying than there are people being born. We need refugees. We need immigrants. We need newcomers. As was mentioned, this country was built by newcomers. To that end, it does tie into the levels.
Right now, we are receiving, in all of the different streams, 350,000, which is 1% of the overall population. The question was asked about whether or not we can absorb more. Economists would say that we can. In fact, the government had undertaken to form a special advisory group—an expert panel, if you will. It recommended half a million—450,000.
With respect to refugees, given that there is a humanitarian crisis, with 70 million people displaced across the globe, and given that we know what contributions refugees do make to our Canadian society.... With respect to government programming, would you advocate for government to increase our levels? Don't give me a number, but should we increase our levels? At the moment, what Canada contributes, with all of our streams put together, is about 0.1%, in terms of our contribution to the overall global crisis. Do you think we can do more?
We'll just go down the line this way.