I think super visas are good. There is a sort of myth out there that the Liberals don't like super visas. That's never been my view.
I think we have two options for parents and grandparents. Either they can become permanent residents as a parent or a grandparent, or they can use the super visa, which gives them a lot of flexibility to spend extended periods of time in Canada, or they can just have a regular visa.
To some extent the super visa and the permanent residence are alternatives or substitutes, or they may do one on the way to getting the other. Also, given that not every parent and grandparent will succeed in becoming a permanent resident, because the spaces are limited, the super visa is a safety valve or an alternative, and some may even prefer it or some may choose to do it because the other isn't available.
I do think it broadens the range of choice. We want to have both, and to the extent possible, we want both to be available. I do think both are useful.