One of the things I believe is that if you go online to the website, one of the positive things is that the accessibility is faster, but all the websites have been arranged as though the person is going to be represented by someone, either by a lawyer or by a consultant. Many of them don't have the economic capacity to be represented, and they have to go to community services. When we say the website has to be facilitated, we mean that the person must be able to fill out the forms. You could have guidance or orientation in different popular languages. It could be Mandarin, Spanish, or any language, so that they can understand the forms. For example, when you are looking for an extension visa, which could be simply an extension of a work permit for a refugee claimant, it is necessary to fill out those forms. That's why we say to facilitate it so that refugees can have a work permit when they make the refugee claim.
The concept right now is that people have to be represented legally by a lawyer or by a consultant. We are advocating that people have the possibility to fill out their own forms if they can do it.