I agree with the point that you're making, MP Ali.
There are people dying, whether it's Sudan or Gaza, and Canada is expected to act. It has acted decisively within its ability to act on international aid, both for Sudan and Gaza. We have landed hundreds if not thousands of refugees from Sudan since the offence broke out. We continue to make sure that up to 7,000 people will be able to come here.
This is about saving lives. It should not be a partisan activity. As you know, the war with Hamas, the devastation in Gaza, has grasped the attention of the world, with cause, and it has polarized many people who used to talk to each other, who used to get along. It has been devastating not only in Gaza and Israel with the dreadful terrorist attack on October 7—an attempt to exterminate a people—but also here in Canada with Islamophobia and anti-Semitism running rampant.
I think we need to estimate—because perhaps we've underestimated—the damage that this has caused us as a country and the divisive politics that come out of it. I don't need votes from this; I just need people to stay alive. I don't want the vote of someone who thinks that legitimate criticism of the Netanyahu government, which I share, equates to picking on Jews in this country and targeting them. If those people have that type of thinking, I don't want their vote.