First, I'd like to thank you for letting me appear before you, Mr. Chair and colleagues, to discuss the main estimates of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. I'm a firm believer in scrutiny of the estimates, and this committee fulfills a very valuable role in that function. I welcome the opportunity to talk with you and to discuss any of the specifics you wish to discuss.
Of course, I have with me three very able people from the department with whom you may wish to speak as well. Mike Wernick is the deputy minister of the department and was appointed in May. Before that he had an extensive career in the Government of Canada with the Privy Council Office, and he's doing a fine job. He will be assisted by Jim Quinn and Suzanne Tining, who are both very senior people in the department with senior responsibilities. They can certainly answer many of the questions as well.
As I begin, I should say that the executive team at the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs is one that the government and the people of Canada can take considerable pride in. It is an executive team—I know it's not a competition—that I'm always proud to say are the equal of any other executive team in government. So they're very capable people and have a tough job, but they discharge their responsibilities with great ability and integrity.
Ladies and gentlemen, the total spending in this year's main estimates of the INAC department is approximately $6.3 billion, which is roughly 6.2% higher than last year. This spending reflects our government's firm and ongoing pledge to resolve several vaccine challenges that confront aboriginal peoples and northerners.
Specifically, the new government is determined to close the gaps between aboriginal people and other Canadians when it comes to issues such as education, housing, health care, and other key elements of healthy and fulfilling lives.
Of course these estimates do not contain the expenditures on aboriginal health. They're contained in the Department of Health's estimates, and as I recall, that's almost an additional $2 billion, which you would find in the Department of Health, in addition to the $6 billion we're speaking of here.
The main estimates of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development reflect the government's approach to reaching goals. It's an approach based on workable solutions, targeted expenditures, and measurable results. More precisely, we focused on four specific areas.
The first is to empower individuals to take greater control and responsibility for their lives through directing investment towards housing and education.
Next, we are looking to accelerate land claims, and this work is under way at this point. I appeared last night in front of the Senate committee, which is conducting an investigation into the specific claims. They will be preparing a report, hopefully by Christmas, that will detail how they think the government should be dealing with specific claims, and I've committed to a retooling of that process.
We are also promoting economic development, job training skills, and entrepreneurship.
Finally, we are laying the groundwork for responsible self-government by moving towards modern and accountable governance structures.
When I speak of economic development, I should point out for the benefit of the committee that a number of years ago, the economic development portfolio was created for Indian and Northern Affairs. It was then taken out of the department and transferred to Industry, Trade and Commerce.
So I welcome your thoughts on this. That's something I have spoken extensively to first nations leaders about. As it currently sits, economic development is essentially the responsibility of a different government department, not INAC, and I've heard much criticism of this.
Mr. Chair, I'm convinced that this four-pronged approach represents the most prudent and effective way to put into action the resources presented in the main estimates. In fact this approach has already yielded tangible results for northerners and our first nations citizens.
Last spring the new government's first budget included $750 million to help aboriginal peoples access supplies of safe drinking water, enhance on-reserve housing, and create both educational programs for students and social programs for aboriginal women, children, and families. The budget also set aside $300 million to help aboriginal people and northerners build and repair affordable housing in the north, and set aside up to $500 million over ten years to offset the potential socio-economic impacts of the Mackenzie Valley gas pipeline.
I should point out that these investments are not contained in the main estimates. To fulfill these commitments, we will use the supplementary estimates that were tabled in the House earlier this week and the main estimates for future years.
Supplementary estimates will also be used to take additional steps to enhance the quality of life in first nation communities. For instance, last week I announced that there would be an additional $6 million available this year to help ensure that 35 department-funded family violence shelters continue to provide essential support services to women and children on reserves. I would point out that this is the first time the funding for the on-reserve shelter network has been enhanced in 15 years--the first time that's been done.
Just this past week at the Socioeconomic Forum in Quebec--some of our parliamentary colleagues were also in attendance--the government announced more than $88 million in initiatives and investments to benefit first nations, Métis, and Inuit people in Quebec and in Labrador. In addition to these investments, a collaborative effort began to improve the quality of drinking water available in first nation communities.
Working alongside the Assembly of First Nations, I initiated a consultative process that included the creation of an expert panel to investigate the issue and propose effective legislative solutions. Clearly there is a need for more investment in that area, and I understand that, but we also need an effective regulatory regime on a go-forward basis.
I believe a strong legislative framework is required to ensure that first nation communities enjoy greater access to safe drinking water. A strong framework will ensure consistent operating, performance, and maintenance standards, establish clear roles and responsibilities for all groups and all levels of government, and establish mechanisms to deal with failure or negligence.
Plans are also under way to establish a legislative framework in several other areas, which the committee members are aware of, including on-reserve matrimonial real property and first nations education. I won't belabour that point. I think everyone here is aware of matrimonial real property, the steps that are being taken, and the controversy that surrounds it.
Wendy Grant-John has been appointed as my ministerial representative. She is a distinguished first nation citizen, three times elected as the chief to her particular community, and I think one of the most respected aboriginal leaders in Canada. The Native Women's Association of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations are also participating to facilitate consultations and to ensure that everyone is heard.
When those consultations are finished, I intend to act on the specific legislative recommendation they bring forward and introduce it to the House, hopefully with the broad support from all of the colleagues we have at this table.
The second example of solid legislative frameworks is the tripartite agreement that will enable first nation communities in British Columbia to assume effective and meaningful control over their on-reserve elementary and secondary education. This is known as the FNESC initiative, something that I signed with the Government of British Columbia and first nations in B.C. in June of this year. I am convinced that the calibre of education delivered on reserve will improve steadily as first nation communities in British Columbia take control of such areas as curriculum, educational standards, and teaching certification.
In fact, Mr. Chairman, this agreement has served as an inspiration, I suppose you could say, for the recent memorandum of understanding that was signed at the Socioeconomic Forum in Quebec between the Government of Canada and the First Nations Education Council of Quebec. This memorandum of understanding will enable the two sides, and eventually the Government of Quebec as well, to improve education for students from first nations communities, to increase graduation rates for first nations students, and ensure these students can take full advantage of employment and economic opportunities available to the young.
Of all the matters we work on, education is surely the one we have to get right. It is critical in terms of moving forward and achieving real change. I am very proud of the progress we're making on the education file.
The legislative frameworks that govern MRP and first nations education are crucial to create enduring solutions. Only by modernizing the legal framework that regulates the relationship between first nations and the Government of Canada can we ensure concrete improvements in their lives and make certain that specific programs are effective.
Another area I will focus on is the finalizing of comprehensive claims and self-government agreements, specific claims, and treaty land claim settlements in addition to additions to reserves. Since assuming office, the new government has finalized a number of important settlements, some such as the Fort William First Nation's rifle range claim and other specific claims, but more importantly recently the initialling last weekend of the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation agreement in British Columbia. This is the first treaty concluded under the B.C. treaty process that was put in place 15 years ago.
There may be questions about it, but the treaty shows the way forward in British Columbia. This may be the most important development in British Columbia in the last 100 years, and other treaties will fall into place behind the Lheidli T'enneh as well.
I am a firm believer in concluding fair and honourable settlements. Settlements are about justice, reconciliation, and respect. They are about making sure we have a better future and coming to terms with the past. Each settlement clears the way to strengthen governance and to provide new economic and social opportunities.
Although this subject matter is not a land claims settlement, I can also report today that the new government took decisive action shortly after coming to office to resolve the legacy of the Indian residential school system.
Early in the year, I was pleased to announce the conclusion of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, which is currently before the courts. This historic settlement agreement, whose commitments are reflected in the departmental spending, in the estimates, includes a variety of provisions that will acknowledge the painful experiences endured by 80,000 former residential school students and give their families an opportunity to share their experiences with all Canadians. This settlement is tangible proof that the government recognizes the importance of bringing to an end the sad legacy of the Indian residential schools and moving forward in partnership with all Canadians.
The subject of specific claims warrants mention. The department has achieved success in the resolution of many specific claims, but there remain significant challenges to be addressed in the field of specific claims. Over the last 15 years, the number of specific claims backlogged in the federal system has swollen from something in the neighbourhood of 300 claims to currently over 800 claims. This number continues to grow, and the number of claims submitted yearly by first nations greatly exceeds the number of claims that have been resolved by governments year after year over the last 10 years. As the backlog of specific claims increases, the amount of effort it takes to resolve each claim also increases, and the value of the specific claims process as an alternative to litigation is increasingly diminished.
I have said this is unacceptable and that the specific claims process needs to be retooled so that it more effectively deals with the situation. I am not in a position today to announce the details of the action plan on specific claims. That work is under way. I have been working very closely with the department on that. I have some ideas to share with the committee about where improvements can be made. I spoke for an hour last night with the Senate committee about this.
We have to explore a wider set of tools such as binding arbitration and mediation. We have to streamline approval processes. We have to make sure that the authorities within my department and the Department of Justice work properly, and we have to clarify the responsibilities and roles of the Indian Specific Claims Commission.
In closing, Mr. Chairman, I realize that considerable time and diligent effort will be required for all of us to achieve these objectives, and as the main estimates for my department make clear, our work for this year will take a substantial amount of money. I can assure everyone here and my colleagues that our four-pronged approach is a focused and proven way to make clear progress towards these goals.
As minister and as head of this department, I can also assure this committee that we will follow through on the commitments we've made. We will measure our performance as we go, and we will ensure that our efforts are open, transparent, and accountable to the committee, to the House of Commons, and to all Canadians.
I'm hopeful that we can carry on with a constructive relationship with this committee on which I was pleased to serve. I welcome your advice and your input as we move forward together.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. That covers a fair bit of ground, and I know it's important that we have time for questions, so I'm pleased to answer the questions of my colleagues.