It is only to 2006-07 because that's the purview of this budget.
The Indian Specific Claims Commission is one of the bodies that is under review as part of my commitment to retool the specific claims process. The commission is fundamental to that process. As you know, it's a commission I sat on for 10 years as a commissioner. I have some very strong views about the valuable role the commission plays. It has been criticized more recently with respect to whether it has bumped up against a glass ceiling or not. But leaving that issue aside, the Indian Specific Claims Commission will either have to evolve into a more fulsome claims body, or it will have to be wound down. That is one of the issues that the Senate is currently exploring. We will see what the Senate has to say about that in the days ahead.
These estimates only take us out so far, and then we'll have to renew approvals and proceed from there. So that's the Indian Specific Claims Commission.
With respect to the B.C. treaty process, the Auditor General, in this November report, will be including a chapter on the British Columbia treaty process. This started 15 years ago. It was, at the time, quite an exciting new process, which was created by Prime Minister Mulroney and Premier Harcourt in 1992.
Since that time, as a nation, we have invested $750 million in the B.C. treaty process. There are 48 tables currently at work. This weekend we just signed the first agreement, the very first one to get over the finish line. There are another two to six moving along through the final agreement stage.
So we are making progress. As I said earlier, I regarded what happened in B.C. on the weekend as a very important chapter in Canadian history. Again, we have to wait and see what the Auditor General recommends with respect to the B.C. treaty process. Certainly I am committed to the continuation of that work in B.C. That's why I was there with Premier Campbell signing the treaty on the weekend.
I am immensely encouraged by the progress we are making. There are some tough issues at the table. Allocation of fish resources is a difficult issue. Something called own-source revenue is an issue. The financial self-government arrangements between first nations and the government are an issue. But a lot of the heavy lifting has been done.
It's quite heartening, actually. If you look at a map of the comprehensive claims work that has been done in Canada, really, over the course of the last 40 years, starting with the James Bay Cree agreement in 1975, it's actually pretty remarkable. We've succeeded largely in clearing away the comprehensive claims challenges the country faces. There still is outstanding business, for sure, but there are actually only a couple of large claims north of 60 that are left--the Dehcho and the Akaitcho--and really, the work, the unfinished business in our country, is not restricted to but is heavily focused on British Columbia.