Essentially, what we had originally was local police forces in each of the communities. This is pursuant to the original provisions of section 19 of the James Bay Treaty. Eventually over the years, we realized that some of the issues and services dealt with by the police were better dealt with at the regional level and that more coordination was required between the communities to deliver some of the services, including investigative work, dispatching, things like that.
Basically, what Mr. Namagoose is saying is that, in 2002 with the Paix des braves and 2008 with the new relationship agreement with the federal government, there was a commitment to amalgamate the local police forces into a regional police force. This commitment has now been enshrined in a complementary agreement to the James Bay agreement, under essentially a revision of section 19 provisions, to provide for this establishment of the regional police at the regional level.
This complementary agreement has been signed. It needs to be put into legislation at the Quebec level, the provincial level. The Quebec Police Act was amended by Bill 54 last year. The bill has passed; it needs to come into force now at the date of the amalgamation of these local police forces.
The counterpart to the provincial legislation is essentially a section of the Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act, section 194, which now will recognize the regional character of the Cree police force, which will have jurisdiction in all the communities on category 1A lands and around those communities. This amendment, in section 28 of the amending legislation, was essentially to recognize that regional—