With respect to the Mackenzie gas project, it's not under construction or under operation right now, but we have negotiated benefits agreements with a number of regional aboriginal groups. Those benefits agreements provide preference for qualified aboriginal people for future jobs. They also provide a mechanism whereby aboriginal businesses will get the first opportunity for certain types of work. So there are mechanisms within those agreements that are directed towards providing support to aboriginal employment and aboriginal businesses.
In addition to that, there are some training initiatives, some of which have been under way for a number of years already, partly through funding from HRSDC. A number of training programs were delivered under something called the aboriginal skills and employment partnership.
I would say, in terms of some of the work we've done in the field, where we've been gathering data, I don't remember the precise number, but about 80% to 90% of the dollar value of contracts that were done to gather baseline information went to businesses on aboriginal business lists.