I'm going to continue in the vein of my colleagues. I'm referring to issue paper number 4, “Outreach and Communications”, which you may not have. I'm not going to read the whole thing, but I just want to go over the consultation process that was outlined for us. I have no reason to believe this isn't accurate.
It says that:
...it was recognized that there was a need to modernize the Indian Oil and Gas Act and Regulations. This decision was based on informal discussions that began in 1998 with the Co-management Board of Indian Oil and Gas Canada to ensure that Canada had a modern regulatory regime—
—and so on.
In mid-2000 a set of “guiding principles” on how the department will reach out to stakeholders was developed by the co-management board and tabled in September 2000 at the annual meeting of the oil and gas producing first nations in Regina. By 2001 discussions on the proposed changes to the act and regulations had been held with tribal chiefs associations in central Alberta as well as with over 50 first nations in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. As a result, first nations overwhelmingly supported the “guiding principles” and the process of modernizing the regime.
There's a lot more detail in here. It goes on to communication with stakeholders:
In 2002 the initiative begun to modernize the Indian Oil and Gas Act was established. A partnership between the department and the Indian Resource Council was formed to focus on the proposed changes.
A stakeholder involvement package was done and there was outreach done. In 2006 the IRC and the minister agreed to resume the work initiated. It went to the Indian Resource Council annual general meeting in 2006. A resolution was passed unanimously providing support to the process relating to the proposed changes. In 2007 it went to the AGM, and so on and so on and so on.
It seems to me that this process began in 1998, so I too am struggling with a process that has been going on for 11 years to suddenly find out, just before we're going into clause-by-clause, that there are proposed amendments. I think you've already talked about that. But we've only had one letter. And that's an option for people who want to communicate with the committee, to provide a written brief. We don't always need witnesses to appear. There has been over a year for people to start signalling their dissatisfaction with the bill and we've had one written brief—aside from Mr. Seymour's, which is a bit different, and I'm going to come to you in a minute—that expressed some concerns.
So I'm concerned that this information has been out here and at the last moment we're getting requests for amendments to the bill. I would urge anybody who's listening and paying attention to the committee, get your information in within the next 48 hours. If you've had concerns, you've obviously had time to work them up.
I want to come to Mr. Seymour for a minute.
I don't disagree at all with what you're presenting. However, there is an “and”. The notion of vertical integration in value-added I think is a very valuable aspect of economic development, capacity-building, business development for first nations. I'm not sure that this bill is where it belongs. It seems to me that part of what you're suggesting could be part of the economic development proposal the government has put forward. Despite the fact that I vehemently disagree with their Bill C-10, they have put forward initiatives in the bill around first nations economic development. My understanding of part of what you're asking for is that it could be integrated into the economic development package that has been proposed. So I'm not clear why it would need to be an amendment in this bill, and maybe you could explain that.