No, they don't, but they're going in the right direction.
When you put together a consultative agency like a business centre, that's not going to have a cashflow from the crude oil coming out of the ground to the retail sale and retail gas station outlet right away. It's going to have people there to provide professional services and training for first nations people to learn how to run their own exploration drills.
With regard to moving in the right direction--and what we're proposing would be far too broad a range to be addressed by this committee--I submit to the committee that maybe a name change would be appropriate. Call it the Indian Energy Act, with oil and gas as part of it, vertical integration and financial incentive programs another part, and alternative energy another part. You fully involve the first nations in opportunities on their lands, as opposed to the narrow scope that was established over a century ago in 1898 to get the first nations person to surrender his mineral rights and then lease it to somebody in the oil industry. In over a century we have to start modernizing. If we're modernizing, let's modernize our whole methodology and allow the Indian to sell oil and gas directly from his land.
Dr. Lorraine Ruffing came to the Department of Indian Affairs in the 1980s recommending, after her study on leasing agreements in the Navajo reservation, that you're far better served, instead of getting this surrender leasing arrangement, to get into a sales contract agreement. I was terminated from the Department of Indian Affairs, the Indian mineral section, in 1970 for suggesting the band not surrender anything to lease, but instead sell in a sales contract. They asked how the band could do that. They don't know how to take it out by contract. In the contract it's still a mandatory employment clause and on-the-job training.