I can hear you.
Thank you, Mr. Chair and members. Good afternoon, and thank you for the opportunity to address the committee.
Your work is viewed by KIA, the Kitikmeot Inuit Association, as very important, indeed critical to the development of the north.
Before I continue, I'd just like to acknowledge Larry Connell. I do know him from AEM, and I actually wholeheartedly agree with just about everything he said, and particularly, from a KIA standpoint, what he related to with respect to infrastructure and skills training. Those are very important components to KIA.
Mr. Charlie Evalik, the president of the Kitikmeot Inuit Association and the chair of the Nunavut Resources Corporation, sends his regrets. Unfortunately, he is travelling this week on NRC business. Assisting Mr. Evalik with the NRC project have been Mr. John Donihee, as project lead, Dr. Ron Wallace, as project manager, and me.
The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of KIA, or the Kitikmeot Inuit Association; introduce one of KIA's strategic objectives, the NRC, or the Nunavut Resources Corporation; and to provide an overview of the NRC concept and its potential role in northern development.
The Kitikmeot Inuit Association was incorporated in 1976 to represent the interests of Kitikmeot Inuit. In those days, it was referred to as the central Arctic, an area just north of Yellowknife—well, quite a ways north of Yellowknife actually. It achieved many of its early goals with the signing of the Nunavut land claims agreement in 1993. Since then, it continues as an important body and acts as a designated Inuit organization under the claim. It has responsibilities for ownership and management of Inuit-owned lands—some 103,000 square kilometres, which is just a little smaller than Nova Scotia and New Brunswick combined. It is also responsible for negotiating impact benefit agreements and oversight of water quality on Inuit-owned lands, just to name a few responsibilities.
KIA's head office is in Cambridge Bay. It has offices in each of the five main Kitikmeot communities. KIA has negotiated impact and benefit agreements with mining companies in the past, including diamond mines in the Northwest Territories primarily due to adjacency reasons, and more recently with Miramar, now Newmont Mining Corporation Canada, in the Kitikmeot region. However, in at least two recent cases in the Kitikmeot region, developers have sold properties located on Inuit-owned lands for significant returns prior to benefits flowing to Inuit.
It has become clear to KIA that it needs more tools in its toolbox than just IIBAs, or impact and benefit agreements, if it is to meet its mandate to ensure lasting and meaningful benefits for Inuit and indeed for Nunavut. Hence the idea of the NRC, an idea that would take Inuit from level one of the economic value chain, just receiving rent, and level two of that same chain, providing goods and services primarily negotiated through impact and benefit agreements, to levels never seen before in Nunavut: level three, which would be investing equity in major resource projects, and level four, which would be reinvesting earnings from those investments into other future projects.
Inuit equity participation offers the potential for Inuit to participate in a meaningful way in major resource and energy developments planned for Nunavut. Many such projects presently offer tremendous economic opportunities, not just for Nunavut but for Canada as a nation. Such initiatives also advance the securing and reaffirmation of Canada's Arctic sovereignty interests. There are existing strong precedents and models for aboriginal equity participation and ownership in Canada. Further, several Canadian private sector mining, energy resource, and financial companies have stated that they are actively seeking aboriginal and northern partners.
Commitments made to the north in the 2008 Speech from the Throne were reaffirmed in Canada's economic action plan with the announcement of the creation of a regional development agency called Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, or CanNor. In announcing the agency, the Prime Minister noted,
CanNor is a tangible acknowledgement that the federal government places the north higher on its agenda than ever before, and it will be a fundamental component of the government's northern strategy going forward.
The Prime Minister two days later in Pangnirtung said,
We are very concerned that as development occurs here in the territory that the local people don't just share in the wealth generated by that development but that they share in the development itself... In our judgment, there's not enough of that happening.
Kitikmeot Inuit Association and NRC Nunavut Resources Corporation strongly agree with and support these observations, and we applaud the northern vision that the statements imply.
Here it is suggested that what is missing from the northern policy is a possible recognition of the value of and need for direct equity participation by Inuit in major resource developments in Nunavut through private sector investment vehicles. Through the promotion and formation of an NRC, the potential for Inuit corporate partnerships with major Canadian resource development and financial interests would be significantly enhanced. Using such an economic development model, Inuit could work through their own corporate entities to secure and enable their own economic and social security.
The NRC could provide Inuit with another valuable economic development tool, in addition to IIBAs and other mechanisms, to work constructively with northern developers, investors, and related national and international financial houses to secure those resources. In short, it is Charlie Evalik's vision, and now that of many more Inuit since Mr. Evalik began the journey to establish the NRC, to take Inuit involvement in northern economic and resource development in Nunavut to a new level through the NRC. In doing so, we aspire to develop a different economic vehicle for the north, one that works for the benefit of Inuit and of Canada as a whole.
I would like to quickly read the three recommendations that were made in the submission that was provided to the standing committee in January:
It is recommended that the potential of the NRC to enhance northern economic and resource development activities be recognized by the committee and that it make specific recommendations to government to support this initiative in principle.
It is recommended that the committee consider and recommend to governments that innovative financial support mechanisms be defined to allow the NRC to achieve its initial aims to participate and achieve an equity interest in certain major resource developments in Nunavut.
It is recommended that the committee acknowledge, indeed emphasize, the importance to Inuit...of achieving more direct control of, and participation in, future major resource developments in Nunavut through equity participation in those projects.
We respectfully request the support of the standing committee to encourage Canada to assist the KIA and NRC to realize their goal.
This concludes my statement. I look forward to any questions you might have.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.