We were consulted throughout the process and initially. When Mr. Dargo was doing his review, a department committee was reviewing the program at the same time.
Following Mr. Dargo's initial report we provided recommendations back to the department. We agreed with the assessment from Mr. Harper that the retail method suggested by Mr. Dargo was not appropriate and we could not implement it. So we went back and made other suggestions as to how the program could work.
The retailers that are organized as a group--the Northwest Territories and Nunavut independent cooperatives that have a service federation, the cooperatives in northern Quebec that are affiliated through La fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Québec, and the North West Company--came together and reviewed the recommendations of the Dargo report. We provided our assessment of the report and recommendations on how change could be implemented in the program.
Some of the comments we had made in the original assessment by Mr. Dargo were included in the report. Some of the witnesses here today no doubt made the same recommendations we made.
So throughout the process we were asked to provide input. Some of the suggestions we made were included in the final recommendations for the Nutrition North program and some were not, but I have to say that we did have an opportunity.
Is everything perfect, the way we would like it? No. But it is a huge step forward, and we're committed to making it work.