I think the recent announcement by the deputy minister to open it up to another 100 indicates a desire to find the funding. That will certainly speed it up for those who are on the waiting list.
Also, the fifth amendment to the framework agreement is coming forward. I believe it will be introduced before you recess in June, and we hope to have passage.
The stumbling block for first nations has been that if there was an outstanding land issue, it stopped the individual agreement from being signed between Canada and the first nation. The vote was halted. Now, because of the rewording that was put in, Canada and the first nation are allowed to deal with that land issue after the vote, with a commitment by Canada in the individual agreement to definitely deal with that issue.
So you won't have first nations that take three to five years to go through the process. Actually, 24 months would be an unusual amount of time. You're going to see first nations go through in six to twelve months. That again will expedite the process.
As for more first nations coming in, the minister challenged Chief Louie and Chief Bear to come up with other ways of entry. They pursued group entry, whereby two to three first nations could come together and share the resources of one first nation. That's going on in Stó:lõ in the Chilliwack area. It's being considered in Ontario by the first nations up Highway 69, because of all the development going on. I expect that up in Treaty 3, this idea of grouping might come together. It's going to be discussed in the Saskatoon Tribal Council.
So grouping is yet another way. The feasibility of a number of first nations from a treaty area coming together and getting a block piece of funding is another option.
The minister has challenged the LAB to come up with some creative ways, and the response has gone back. I think that if there is a willingness to open it to 100, you'll see many ways for first nations to come in. It was exciting news to have the deputy minister announce 100 more first nations. Part of that was in response to the Crown-First Nations Gathering in Ottawa, which was so successful on a number of points.