Thank you, and thank you to the witnesses.
It's nice to see Chief Louie here again. I hope we have the opportunity to visit your community.
This is an outstanding deck, by the way. My questions are going to focus almost pre-entry here, because I want some of this information not just for myself but I think for the benefit of the committee. I've got a really recent example that will help me go through this.
We're focusing on development, and I think, as the National Aboriginal Economic Development Board has said, building opportunity-ready communities. The context in which you're here, and so many other witnesses, is this idea of land use and land-use planning, and the focus in terms of one of its ultimate or superordinate goals would, of course, be economic development. They don't just cross-fertilize. They're essential, not just to what we're studying but to what we hear from the communities.
I had a meeting last week in Sioux Lookout with the Lac Seul First Nation, and this is a wonderful, progressive community that has embarked on a number of initiatives, moving ever more closely to working with, and needing, the capacity around land-use planning. So I wonder if you would take me through this, because there's a lot of literature on the framework agreement signatories, but there's not enough messaging out there, and perhaps it's a question of resources as well, about getting these communities in position to actually be entrants.
I want to have that frank discussion because I've got a community that I think is ready, certainly in terms of my own preliminary analysis in the work that I've done in my role as parliamentary secretary in understanding this, Chief Bear. This is a chief coming to me and saying, Greg, I think we're ready to embark on this. What are the steps to be one of these opportunity-ready communities? What, if any, resources are available?
So much of what we have here in the literature talks about the signatories. Can you take me through those steps and make comments along the way?
I'm turning the rest of my time over to you folks in the hope that you'll do that.