I think this amendment is important in a couple of respects.
One of them, of course, is what my colleague, Mr. Genest-Jourdain, was talking about, which is the fact that for affected communities on these lands, it is quite different from being in a farming area in Alberta, where the land use is predictable. It's fenced. There's a very clear outline of where the land use is happening.
Here you have a situation where there's a small number of people in scattered communities over huge areas. Their understanding of land use is completely cultural and completely traditional. It needs an expression that takes on a lot of importance when you come to it. If you don't do it correctly, as I've seen so often in the Northwest Territories, if you don't conduct proper consultation, you end up in bad situations.
I can think of times when, in sitting on environmental impact assessment boards, we had the opportunity to review companies that went out and talked with people about land use. It became clear after a while that the adequacy of that process fell down because the people they were talking to didn't understand the process. They didn't understand clearly how the law applied to them and how they could use the law to put forward the issues that they considered important, such as the movement of caribou.
We saw that with the diamond mines in the Northwest Territories. The first nations knew there were going to be impacts on the caribou, but unfortunately they couldn't project that in a good fashion. They didn't understand the underlying principles of the law that was being applied there because it hadn't been given to them in a good and proper fashion. They didn't have the opportunity to stand up very strongly on these issues. We have ended up with a situation in the Northwest Territories where linear development at the three diamond mines that exist there has now impacted the caribou herds and has very strongly impacted the subsistence hunting that takes place on that land.
Without public process, you're going to have a situation where that sort of thing can happen again, so it's very important that it be identified.
The second reason it's important and that it's identified for this legislation in an amendment is the negotiations that are going to take place with the land use planning commission about the resources they need to do the work. If it's in the act as one of the things that this commission must accomplish, then it's certainly going to be important, when you enter into the negotiation process, to establish the resources required to deal with the land use issues in a good fashion. It's going to be important that the commission has the surety that this is their job, that it has been set in the legislation, and that when it comes to the negotiating table, there will be no question about the provision of the resources, in order to accomplish the work laid out within this public awareness discussion, in the public hearings, and in the debate throughout the land use process.
That's why this amendment is important. That's why I'm sure the government has some reluctance with this, too, because it's going to cost them money. I really think those things have to be taken into account when we look at this law. That's why our role here on the committee is to determine what's appropriate in the legislation, not what particularly the bureaucracy wants to initiate, what it stands against with the people in....
Then there's the third point which is important to all of this. We are enacting legislation that really should be in the hands of the people of the north. There's no question about it. This is legislation that in a province would be dealt with in a provincial legislature, where those choices that have to be made on the legislation should well be made by that political body.
When I stand up and say that you should listen to the people of the north, absolutely. They have political rights as well, and you must respect those. Everyone here must respect those. If you don't respect them, that's really a sign that you don't understand what Canada is. I'll leave it at that.