I believe that when they brought the agreement in principle to the membership at the very beginning and when it was signed, it was ratified. It's now five years later. We had government officials sitting around the table; we had enrolment committee members who knew what the criteria were. This should have been brought forward long before now. It should not have taken five years.
When they saw 24,000 applications come in up to November 2009, something should have been brought forward at that point, instead of letting it go until now, in 2013, only to have a supplementary agreement put in place to cut back the numbers, to make the criteria a little bit more stringent, to see whether we can get some of the applications rejected.
This supplementary agreement was never ratified. We were never consulted. Nobody in the community, none of the membership, none of the band chiefs came to their membership and asked whether this could be ratified.