Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. We appreciate the invitation to come to speak with you today.
The NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines is the industry association and leading advocate for responsible and sustainable mineral exploration and development in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
My name is Elizabeth Kingston. I'm the general manager for Nunavut. My office is based in Iqaluit. With me today is Adam Chamberlain, who is a member of our board of directors.
Exploration and mining is the foundation of Nunavut's economy and is playing a significant role in the growth of Nunavut's GDP. Next to government, it is the largest contributor to the northern economy, and becomes even larger if you factor in associated mining industry spending on construction and transportation. lt is the largest private sector contributor to the economy of the north.
Operating in Nunavut is not easy, however. Companies face a unique set of challenges that more centrally located businesses and industries in Canada do not have to face, by virtue of their proximity to both physical and non-physical infrastructure. These challenges derive from the characteristics that define the geographical region itself: remoteness, severe Arctic weather, undeveloped infrastructure, and sparse populations.
Companies in Nunavut face significant costs to build their own infrastructure, much of which is already in place or is more accessible with southern projects. Companies must also invest additional sums in these regions to train and educate, attract and retain, and transport and house our workers.
These factors combine to make exploration and mining substantially more expensive than in most of southern Canada. Any company operating in Nunavut has a much harder time attracting investment, because investors are well aware of the challenges associated with operating in our territory.
Given the limited opportunities for social and economic development, and with Arctic sovereignty as a strategic national consideration, the principles of economic growth and efficiency should be prioritized when guiding government policy towards the mining industry, particularly for our companies operating in remote and northern Canada. That is why the work that you do to create new legislation that helps provide process and investment certainty in Nunavut is so important.
And that brings us to today's meeting. We support a number of the legislative changes proposed by Bill S-6; however, we have a number of concerns and comments, which will focus on part 2 of the bill, respecting Nunavut waters.
The first concern is cost recovery. As we understand it, cost recovery for the consideration, renewal, amendment, or cancellation of a licence is proposed, to align Nunavut with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.
Industry strongly opposes new cost recovery measures, as they are a clear disincentive to investment in the north. Cost recovery represents an added impediment to an already costly operating regime. Introducing these measures now will only serve to further dampen investor interest in our territory. We recommend that cost recovery either be removed from the legislation or that it not be invoked at this time.
The concept of administrative monetary penalties is new to the north and is creating unease, as there are a number of aspects with this clause of the proposed legislation that require clarification. Monetary fines, in and of themselves, do not present a problem to good operators. However, extending the period of uncertainty from two to five years after a non-compliance incident could discourage investment without offering additional environmental protection. As well, the proposed amendments to the offences and punishments under the current scheme differ from the current version of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act. We recommend that this section be changed to be more closely aligned and consistent with MVRMA.
Recently, staff at Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada created a policy direction on the definition of water used in exploration that is unnecessarily stringent and will delay projects and increase costs for proponents as they try to address it. A new interpretation of the water used, specifically to include circulated water utilized for no other purpose than to prevent pipes from freezing, is now considered a use under the act. This change in policy was made with no consultation with industry, and no transition period for its application has been applied to Nunavut's advanced projects.
The current standards by which type A and type B water licences are defined needs to be reviewed. In particular, the threshold of 300 cubic metres per day for a project moving from a type B to a type A licence requirement needs to more accurately coincide with the transition of a project from exploration to development. The act and regulations should also demarcate between “exploration” and “mining” by requiring type A licences for mining and type B licences for larger exploration projects.
Double bonding occurs in cases in which a licensee must provide financial security to more than one payee to address the same or related reclamation requirements. Industry is pleased to note the addition of proposed section 76.1 as a positive step towards addressing the issue of double bonding. However, we note that security management agreements would be formulated only on a proponent-driven, case-by-case basis. Successfully resolving the double bonding issue entirely will help to support Nunavut's growing reputation as an attractive investment destination for the many mineral development projects that are located on both crown and Inuit-owned lands. Our recommendation is to broaden section 76 to clarify what elements security management agreements should contain.
Establishing time limits for the evaluation and approval of water licence applications will allow for more predictable and timely reviews.
The inclusion of an express power for the Nunavut Water Board to issue 60-day extensions to water licences is entirely consistent with the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. However, it seems that the option currently under consideration is to permit extensions only on the recommendation of the minister. In our view, this decision should be made by the Nunavut Water Board, as the considerations that would need to be weighed in determining whether an extension should be granted are well within the expertise of the Nunavut Water Board's technical staff.
It is important that water licences address environmental risks associated with mining processes as well as respond to community and socio-economic issues.
We agree that water licences should be issued for the life of the mining operation, with scheduled periodic reviews to ensure that water-related requirements are addressed, in distinction from the current costly process of a full re-application and review process every few years.
To conclude, mining provides to the north a major economic advantage, and it is already creating significant community benefits. Nunavut hosts a very high mineral potential and can support world-class mines and world-class opportunities.
We support Bill S-6, but with recommendations to ensure that it can be an incentive for increased mineral investment in Nunavut and we look forward to future dialogue with the federal government as the accompanying regulations are created.
That concludes my presentation. Thank you.