The largest barrier under the Indian Act is the inability of a financial institution like ours to take security of a physical asset on reserve. Typically, if we were doing a vehicle loan for a grader in a northern non-aboriginal community, for example, we could take a chattel mortgage on that security. If the loan wasn't repaid, we could effectively take that asset back and use the proceeds to repay the loan.
With the Indian Act, we're precluded from taking physical security of physical assets on reserve. Effectively, instead of us being able to take a chattel mortgage on that grader, we have to use innovative things. For example, we have to take the assignment of the contracts that the individual might have with that grader, frankly, because we can't take the physical asset. A lot of first nations will waive that right, frankly, but it is still a barrier for many first nations communities.
That's part of the challenge under the Indian Act. We just have to find ways to get around that detail, but it does create some apprehension from some financial institutions in doing business on reserve.
As far as the remote locations go, it's like every small community. Even in the prairies, frankly, we're seeing that in a lot of small towns the financial institutions are closing and moving to larger centres.
In a lot of the aboriginal communities we deal with, people have difficulty getting just basic financial services, such as a bank account. For example, the government requires banks to get two pieces of picture ID.
Also, in a meeting last week, I mentioned one of the huge barriers. One of the pieces of government-issued identification that a lot of first nations people have is a status card. The Department of Indian Affairs has a policy of one status card per year, so if you lose your card, you effectively have to go for the remainder of the year without that piece of identification, which may make it difficult for you to even get a bank account.
Those are little niches in the system that cause difficulty for an aboriginal person in getting access to banking.