[Witness speaks in Mohawk]
I'm very proud to be here, and I'd like to share with you our long-term care concerns.
First of all, from Akwesasne's perspective, we understand fully well that the Canadian health care system is fragmented—some provincial stuff, some federal stuff. However, it is our responsibility in Akwesasne to make sense of the different multi-jurisdictional issues, to find solutions, and to meet with the appropriate entities to make that a reality.
Indigenous Services provides support at the federal level, with Ontario health and the réseau de la santé Québec offering support at their levels. Almost half of our community is served with OHIP for insured services, and the other half is served with RAMQ for insured services from the Quebec side.
I think you have had a good chance to see what's on the map over there. Short and sweet, we have roughly 12,500, as Grand Chief Benedict has said. We're pretty well split up, with about a 45-55 split between the Ontario and Quebec groups.
However these multi-jurisdictional issues for Akwesasne have created challenges in providing seamless secondary and tertiary health services. When we provide outside of Akwesasne, Ontario, we have to come up to Cornwall, and we have to go in for tertiary services to Ontario, basically Ottawa. On the Quebec side, we have to go to a smaller community, Barrie Hospital, which is located in Ormstown, Quebec, about 45 minutes away, and for tertiary services, we have to go to Montreal. These are samples of where we are.
As is normal, we face these jurisdictional challenges daily. We search for solutions, using innovative approaches and partnerships to resolve the jurisdictional issues we face.
Long-term solutions require a community, strength-based approach, and basically we're doing that. Our community has strengths that afford prioritizing our services to meet the needs of our community members. Our strength is in our ability to prioritize those services. In addition to our community approaches, we offer you a portrait of opportunities within the current system that we hope you will be able to listen to and give some thought to some of our reflections.
The first point we want to tie in is on infrastructure. Akwesasne recommends that you examine the support for maintaining existing resources that are now under community control. This hasn't been considered very well up to now. Akwesasne's long-term care facility is Tsiionkwanonhso:te, and in medical terms that's a level 4 care service. Tsiionkwanonhso:te, by the way, means “our house” in our language, and that's just what it is. It's not an institution; it's an extended part of our community.
Our level 1 and 2 care service is Iakhihsohtha, which means “the home of our grandparents”. We've operated both of these, as Chief Benedict has said, for more than 20 years. Our concern right now is that these two care facilities require infrastructure improvements and support to continue providing the quality services that we give.
Right now, I think long-term care requires long-term support for infrastructure, given the fact that our long-term care facility is actually funded by the province, yet it is located in a first nation territory under federal government jurisdiction.
Due to the federal-provincial divisions of authority, we require your support to seek solutions as we talk about more large capital investments. If we want to continue providing long-term quality care for our people, we need to make sure we have the infrastructure and the buildings that are sufficient to meet the codes.
We are unable to access capital and infrastructure enhancements right now, and I think that's a point we want to make sure you consider in the writing of your report. Please look at this as an issue.
Also, what we're looking at now is prevention. One of the things that our health services, like all of those across Canada, needs to focus on more is the preventative aspects of long-term care.
I think most of the time we're here talking about what the needs are for the facilities, but I'd like your assistance in recommending some departmental support to assist in capturing evidence-based data to show our success, especially in prevention support activities.
I've asked a number of times, and the reply I keep getting back is that it's a bit too complicated. You can get back information on an annual basis about how many people came to a facility, how many people are there, but, in fact, when we start talking about prevention, that isn't done over a three-year or a five-year period. It's done over 10 years, or over decades. One weakness in the system here is that we have to look at how we can support the challenge to get better evidence-based information on this.
What I'm really tying in here is that a prevention type of evaluation is longitudinal in nature and it takes time. As we know, Canada is facing an aging population overall, and we all need to be innovative. I think that's one of the areas we should be looking at, looking outside the box.
Also, Akwesasne has better services provision than do most other first nations across Canada, and we offer you this advice: There will be gaps in service levels in the long term.
Right now your definition under the federal classification system for institutional care, which is found within the National Assisted Living Program Guidelines 2018-2019, delineates service responsibility between Health Canada, FNIHB, and the previous DIAND under the assisted living program. Right now, I expect modifications of this classification system, with greater community-based participation, and, in fact, we at Akwesasne are prepared to assist you with any technical revisions to make sure that does happen.
Our biggest concern also is for the mental health and mental wellness of our elders. There needs to be consideration to enhancing programs that impact mental wellness for our elders given our size and districts in Akwesasne. As you can see, we're spread out. The reality is that it is difficult for long-term care clients to socialize.
The last point we are really trying to tie in here is that we have to ensure there is an acknowledgement of volunteerism. Most of the time a lot of our activities that are going on are adult care, day care services, and meals on wheels, and a lot of times we have a lot of individuals who are providing mental health support. In reality, what we need to do is to make sure we have recognition through your recommendations to support and enhance volunteerism at our community level.
With that in mind, I'll pass it back to Chief Benedict.