Thank you for your question. That's one area that I hope I can give you some answers on, because I'm responsible for housing.
When we did our original housing needs assessment before we got this federal funding from the federal government, there was no identified funding for our region and what we were getting from Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation was a really small amount. There was none identified for Inuit specifically.
When we did our first needs assessment, I think there was a need for something like 190 homes. We had a lot of overcrowding and things like that, but in the last number of years, we've spent at least $1 million a year on housing repairs. As President Lampe mentioned, we have the prototype in place and we're using the data that we collect from that to develop our own building codes and standards. We've done our risk assessment, our needs assessment, and we looked at a housing delivery agency model. We took a bill to the House and we're looking at passing a housing bill to deal with everything.
Right now, we do have another unit that we started in Nain to help children in care or children who would otherwise be taken into care because there's still a lot of overcrowding.
We've been moving along. We do two different home repair programs and we would have built another seven-plex this year, but one of the challenges that we face is the land that's available to build on and good building land. We are starting to make a significant difference in our communities.