There's a different formula, and I think the best for us is to preserve our rights, aboriginal title, and our land. We want general recognition of our rights. To paint a picture of this, let's say the government recognizes all our rights and our titles on the land, but we're going to put in an agreement all the rights you can exert on the territory provided by the treaty. All the rest that we didn't mention in the treaty, let's say we put that in a high cloud, in a box on the side.
Eventually, maybe, they're going to be reborn. Eventually, depending on the evolution of society, the evolution of the economic situation, or maybe an evolution.... I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I don't want to be all apocalyptic here, but I don't know.
When you look around, geopolitically, at what is going on around the world, sometimes it's kind of worrying for Canada, for me anyway. All empires fall. That's the story of mankind. We want to still be there. We are going to still be there. We are going to still practise our culture and our language.
We talked about language earlier, and I forgot to mention in the opening comments that the Atikamekw language is the most preserved first nation language in North America; 98% of our people speak our language, which is very fascinating. It should be looked at as a plus value for this country. People should share our pride in this fact. It's a gift to humanity. That's how people have to look at it. It's part of the old language that was spoken on the earth, and we are still speaking this language. Today, I want Canadians to share that pride, help us preserve our language, and develop this country together for a better future for our next generation.
When I say “a better future for our next generation”, I'm not talking only about my youth. I'm talking about your youth too. What are we going to give them? Are we going to give them the problem in the future, and we never assessed this problem? I think, for the best of us, when you look around the world, we have to come together, work together, and preserve what's good in Canada, preserve our land, and also ourselves.
I believe and I'm sure—and I will be there if I am still alive—if something happens, we will still be defending our land in the future, and we will be defending everybody who is on the land. If that's your kids, your grandkids, your great-great-grandkids, we will be there to defend them. That's how we think, as first nations. That's how we think, as the Atikamekw Nation. That's how you have to think, too. Invest in our youth, invest in our economic development, invest in our culture and language preservation, and invest in our pride. That's what Canada has to do, to invest in our pride. We will stand up and we will be strong beside you, and together we'll create a great country.