Thank you.
My understanding is that the proposed amendments wouldn't cost the government anything and would enable first nation communities to act with agility in business. Whatever guidance you can do for that future work would be very much appreciated.
I'm going to turn now to Minister Petitpas Taylor.
I'm going to read from an article regarding what the Minister of Family Services in Nunavut, Margaret Nakashuk, said. It says that the “federal funding cuts are impacting her department's ability to expand job training programs in Nunavut”.
I'm going to read what she said: “I planned to rise today to highlight the work Family Services is doing to train Nunavummiut for job readiness using federal government funds from the Targeted Labour Market Transfer Agreement, but I am unable to do that because the Government of Canada cut $625 million [from] the labour market transfers in budget 2024.”
Minister, you'll recall that I had written to you regarding the cuts, and I understand that you're still new to this portfolio. I was quite disappointed with the response that you gave me regarding the cuts. The federal government cut $625 million from the labour market transfers in 2024. Cutting this funding significantly impacts Inuit and young people in my riding. It is a loss of $890,000 in training dollars in Nunavut.
Indeed, it was the Redfish Arts Society, which is a program that helps youth at risk to be diverted out of the criminal justice system to learn their language and their culture and new skills.
Minister, could you please explain to my community how the federal government's cuts to the labour market transfer agreement funding does not perpetuate unemployment, underemployment and cycles of poverty, and does not limit the progress of Nunavummiut towards a more equitable and prosperous society?