I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 67 of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the House order of Thursday, June 23, 2022. Members of the committee are participating in person in the room and remotely using the Zoom application.
The proceedings will be made available via the House of Commons website. Just so that you are aware, the webcast will always show the person speaking rather than the entire committee.
For those participating virtually, I'd like to outline a few rules to follow. You may speak in the official language of your choice. Interpretation services are available for this meeting in French, English and Inuktitut. You have the choice at the bottom of your screen of either floor, English or French audio. Please select your language now. If interpretation is lost, please inform me immediately, and we will ensure that interpretation is properly restored before resuming the proceedings.
For members participating in person, proceed as you usually would when the whole committee is meeting in person in a committee room.
Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. If you are on the video conference, please click on the microphone icon to unmute yourself. For those in the room, your mike will be controlled as normal by the proceedings and verification officer.
A reminder that all comments by members and witnesses should be addressed through the chair.
When speaking, please speak slowly and clearly, and I will try to take my own advice. When you are not speaking, your mike should be on mute.
With regard to a speaking list, the committee clerk and I will do the best we can to maintain a consolidated order of speaking for all members, whether they are participating virtually or in person.
Pursuant to Standing Order 81(4), the committee is beginning its examination of the following votes in the 2023‑24 main estimates: vote 1 under Canadian High Arctic Research Station; votes 1, 5, 10 and L15 under Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs; and votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Indigenous Services. The votes were referred to the committee on February 15, 2023.
With us for the first hour are the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, and the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, as well as their officials.
Thank you very much for joining us this afternoon.
In our second hour, we will be joined by the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services, and her officials.
Each of you will have the floor for five minutes.
We will begin with Minister Vandal.